It was later revealed that the Ultimate Pharmacist had developed a new drug during the Final Killing Game if someone took the medicine before the bracelet was activated, they would enter a comatose state instead of dying upon injection of the poison. Seiko Kimura attempted to save Daisaku from his NG Code poisoning with one of her drugs, but failed.

Their blood vessels become engorged, particularly in the left eye, which turns red and begins "crying" blood as a result of the increased pressure. The poison rapidly spreads through the victim's body, turning the left side of their body dark purple. If a participant violates their NG Code, the bangle detects this and injects a lethal, fast-acting poison into the violator's bloodstream, indicated by a small electronic jingle. The execution is tied to the Monokuma bangles worn by participants of the Final Killing Game specifically, to the NG Codes (or Forbidden Actions) displayed by each one.