The script is quite unpredictable, so I didn't expect it. And in chapter 13 the game is over, my god, that ending blew up all my expectations, it’s anticyclical, emotional, tense, it shows character development, with a GREAT twist, ending it all with a rare ending and **** that generated immense respect for Adell.

The death of Adell's parents without him even knowing who they were is very sad. The character insights between levels are very good. At least the end of chapter 11 is very good. But a little later there are 2 chapters that basically serve only as a build-up and I felt that they were kind of futile, it was 9 (to invoke Maou I needed to go to Etna) and 11 (to get medicine for Yukimaru's brother). The arena and her escape are two very good chapters in general. Even Axel's story is slightly interesting. It is amazing how story driven is the beginning of the story, the 2 protagonists mainly, you want to know more about their story and how it affected them (in chapters 3 and 4 there is a lot of it). The chapter is very slow, as it should be, it has several very light moments and near the end we see a little of the protagonist's determination and how he wants to go as soon as possible to kill Maou. I haven't played the others yet, but I loved this one, it's a highly solid game. Less comedy and more plot (that's what I was sold). I decided to play this and not Disgaea 1 as my first game in the franchise because from what I had researched, the characters and the story appealed much more to me. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view.

Y, por supuesto, por el mero hecho de conocer a Adell y Rozalin, dos personajes geniales cuyos comentarios entre ellos no tiene desperdicio.

Los fans del género SJRPG ya se habrán lanzado de cabeza a por el, y si no lo eres te recomiendo que le des una oportunidad, ya que es un título capaz de darte la mano para que seas creativo y crees tu propio estilo de combate durante las batallas y no te veas abrumado por el abanico de opciones. Desde una historia que te mantiene con una sonrisa en la cara durante todo su recorrido, contenido para aburrir gracias a la inclusión de todos sus extras y DLCs, y un sistema de combate extraordinario que cumple lo que todo juego bien desarrollado puede presumir: "facil de manejar, dificil de dominar". Pero en todos los demás apartados, no solo consigue ser un juego excelente, sino que también único. Disgaea 2 puede que carezca del icónico cast de personajes del anterior título, amen de estar aderezado por un apartado técnico completamente Disgaea 2 puede que carezca del icónico cast de personajes del anterior título, amen de estar aderezado por un apartado técnico completamente desfasado, mas propio de PSX que de los tiempos que corren.